B2A11 Maasai Molar Cross Boundary Collaboration at...

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Maasai Molar was established in 2018 to provide oral healthcare in the Aitong region of Kenya. Through local partnerships ...
More Info Purchase CPDSpeakers: Stuart Fergusson BSc (Med Sci), MBChB, ChM, FRCS, DRCOG, PGCAP, FHEADr Merlin WilcoxProf. Jeremy Bagg
This recorded webinar is a panel discussion exploring Remote and Rural Heathcare and the Lessons Learned.
The talks and subsequent panel discussion focuses on the concepts of trust, respect, political will, partnerships and illustrations of how they have applied to the MalDent Project, along with 'the similarities and differences in providing rural healthcare in different parts of the world'.
The talk took place during Bridge2Aid's Global Remote and Rural Healthcare Conference November 2021.
The panel includes,
Emeritus Professor Jeremy Bagg OBE, PhD, FDS, FFGDP(UK), FRCPath, FFPH
Jeremy has recently retired as Head of the University of Glasgow Dental School. He is now focusing on his role in the Scottish Government funded MalDent Project, which has established Malawi’s first BDS programme and is developing an Oral Health Policy / Implementation Plan in collaboration with the Malawi Government Ministry of Health. He has recently set up a charity called ‘MalDent Student Aid’ to raise funds in support of Malawian dental students. He was recently appointed as Global Health Director at the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow.
Mr Stuart Fergusson
Stuart graduated MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 2006. He subsequently trained in colorectal and general surgery in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and was a Clinical Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh from 2012-14. From 2016-17 he was a Clinical Leadership Fellow at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG), during which time he co-wrote the RCPSG’s influential policy report on the value of international volunteering, “Global Citizenship in the Scottish Health Service”. Following completion of training, he and his wife spent 5 months volunteering in a remote and rural Zambia mission hospital. From August 2021 – August 2023 he will be a Rural Surgical Fellow in Aberdeen prior to taking up an appointment as consultant surgeon with NHS Shetland. He maintains interests in medical education, global health needs, rural healthcare and clinical/educational research.
Dr Merlin Willcox
Merlin is a clinical researcher at the Dept of Primary Health Care at the University of Oxford, UK, and a GP at a health centre for homeless people in Oxford. His research interests include primary health care for disadvantaged populations, traditional medicine, and clinical trials of herbal medicine. He has been involved in several clinical trials of herbal medicines for malaria and helped to set up a network of people involved in this field called "RITAM" (Research Initiative on Traditional Antimalarial Methods). He is currently working on two projects, HURAPRIM (Human Resources for Primary Care in Africa) and MUTHI (Multidisciplinary University Traditional Health Initiative).
This course aims to provide an overview of remote and rural healthcare and the lessons that have been learned.
To discuss and share lessons learned from providing healthcare in remote and rural areas, focussing on the concepts of trust, respect, political will, partnerships, along with the similarities and differences in providing rural healthcare in different parts of the world.
By the end of this recorded webinar you will understand the lessons learned from providing healthcare in remote and rural areas, focussing on the concepts of trust, respect, political will, partnerships, along with the similarities and differences in providing rural healthcare in different parts of the world.
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Maasai Molar was established in 2018 to provide oral healthcare in the Aitong region of Kenya. Through local partnerships ...
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