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CPD Approx. 1:00 Hours

P359 Resolving Conflict in Your Team

Speaker: Lyn Paxman

  • About This Course

What do you think of when the word conflict comes up?  Most people think of fights or shouting matches.  But most of the time within a team conflict is about underlying niggles and maybe a bit of bickering.  But, left to fester, this can result in demotivated people and sometimes people will even decide to leave the Practice because the fall out has become too much.

There is a theory that a certain amount of conflict and healthy challenge is a good thing.  A team of 'yes' people means they're not empowered to think for themselves.  It may also mean you have a team of people who are all so similar that there's no variety within a team, which is really important to creating high performance.

This recorded webinar will give you tools and techniques to ensure that niggles and conflicts are resolved, whilst encouraging team members to develop the skills to solve their own disagreements.

This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the tools and techniques which can be used to ensure that niggles and conflicts are resolved. An overview of how to encourage team members to develop the skills to solve their own disagreements, is given.


This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the tools and techniques that can be used to ensure that niggles and conflicts are resolved. An overview of how to encourage team members to develop the skills to solve their own disagreements, is given.


To discuss

  • The importance of spotting conflict between team members and what to do about it.
  • Techniques for facilitating a conversation which encourages openness and non-aggressive honesty.
  • Ways to reframe personality clashes, so they become a positive.
  • The value of giving time and space to understanding first, before you look to solve.
  • A technique for finding solutions together.
  • Ways to avoid being the 'Rescuer' within the team, so you’re not always the one who needs to solve issues.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this recorded webinar, you will have an understanding of the tools and techniques which can be used to ensure that niggles and conflicts are resolved, whilst encouraging team members to develop the skills to solve their own disagreements.

GDC Development Outcomes

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