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CPD Approx. 1:30 Hours

P117 Preventing Wrong Tooth Extraction

Speakers: Kevin Lewis BDS FDS RCS(Eng) FFGDP(UK)Dr Anshu Sood BDS, MClinDent, MFDS RCS Eng, MOrth RCS EdinDr Mick Horton

  • About This Course

The recorded webinar is in collaboration with the British Orthodontic Society and the College of General Dentistry. Certain events happen which can have a profound impact on the way we practice, wrong tooth extraction is one such event. What factors are involved in the lead up to this? What can we do to prevent it occurring? What do we do if it does occur? These are some of the questions covered in this recorded webinar, and more.


This course aims to provide dental professionals with an understanding of the processes which lead to wrong tooth extraction, the preventative processes that can be implemented to mitigate risk and what to do when things go wrong.


During this course learners will be able to:

  • Outline a structured approach to carrying out extractions.
  • Identify risk factors in this procedure.
  • Explain reporting mechanisms and duty of candour when things go wrong.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course the learner will gain an understanding of:

  • The processes which lead to wrong tooth extraction, being aware of the preventative processes you can implement to mitigate risk and what to do when things do go wrong.

GDC Development Outcomes

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