P081 Human Factors

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This recorded webinar shares knowledge from aviation, medicine, dentistry and delivers relevant tips for dental practice, ...
More Info Purchase CPDSpeakers: Fiona Ellwood BEM Jyoti Sumel Deborah Stratford Fiona Sandom Simon Thackeray Debra Worthington Len D'Cruz Jason Wong MBEDr John MilneDr Mick HortonDr Zain HameedDr Priya ChohanDr Hester WainProf. Tara RentonProf. Nick Barker BDS MSc FHEA MDTFEd MFGDP(UK) PGCME
There is a culture of fear and anxiety that affects many clinicians in dental settings. This can lead to defensive dentistry and a significant level of cognitive dissonance that can affect all members of the dental team.
This recorded webinar shares an overview of Project Sphere, a project led by Jason Wong (Deputy Chief Dental Officer for England) and run by Jyoti Sumel (Dental Therapist and Health Education England Dental Clinical Leadership Fellow) involving a group of key stakeholders including regulators of dentistry.
The aim of this group is to initiate steps to move away from the current blame culture into a positive and fair learning culture within dental settings. This recorded webinar discusses the group's work in patient safety in primary care, as well as information from experts in patient safety.
This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of Project Sphere and how it aims to create a positive patient safety culture in dentistry.
On completion of this recorded webinar you will understand Project Sphere and how it aims to create a positive patient safety culture in dentistry.
of verifiable CPD
This recorded webinar shares knowledge from aviation, medicine, dentistry and delivers relevant tips for dental practice, ...
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There has always been a widespread misplaced belief that the duty of candour was introduced to fix a problem in medical/ho...
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The recorded webinar is in collaboration with the British Orthodontic Society and the College of General Dentistry. Certai...
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