  • About This Course

This recorded webinar aims to raise the profile of community water fluoridation amongst all of the dental team, explaining the evidence base simply and comprehensively. Presented by experts with extensive knowledge around fluoridation research and the potential impact of schemes across the life course. We also hear from members of the dental team on advocating for the public health measure and how this can make a difference. The 2022 Health and Care Act includes proposals on fluoridation and we describe what these are and next steps.


This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the science around community water fluoridation, and the critical role of the dental team in communicating the science-based facts and benefits.


During this course learners will be able to:

  • Understand the evidence base around fluoridation.
  • Understand the impact on health and health inequality.
  • Explain the the benefits of fluoridation for children and adults.
  • Understand the 2022 Health and Care Act and what this may mean for schemes and implementation.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course the learner will gain an understanding of:

  • The science around community water fluoridation, and the critical role of the dental team in communicating the science-based facts and benefits.

GDC Development Outcomes

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