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CPD Approx. 1:30 Hours

P336 Root Canal Irrigation and Endodontic Disinfection

Speakers: Robert Dyas BDS DCH MMedSci FDSRCS, Fellow of ITIDr Sanjeev Bhanderi BDS MSc MFGDP(UK)Dr George Jacob BDS MDS

  • About This Course

This is the seventh module in our Endodontics series of 10 recorded webinars.  

It covers root canal irrigation and endodontic disinfection.

The series is provided by a collaboration of experts in the field.

In this series, we endeavour to provide a unified learning platform, providing sound evidence based practical solutions to common problems encountered in day to day practice of endodontics.

At the end of this programme of ten modules, you will understand current, independent evidence based advice and increase your knowledge about how to improve your endodontic treatment.

This module is also available as part of a complete set of 10 Modules - P340 Endodontic Series


This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of how to effectively and efficiently irrigate the root canal and perform successful endodontic disinfection. 


  • Outline the different types of irrigation and the effectiveness, pros and cons of each type of irrigation.
  • Explain how to choose the most appropriate irrigant with the correct/most effective concentration, at the most apporiate point in the endodontic process.
  • Detail how to safely use irrigants and how to avoid and deal with accidents.
  • Outline the barriers to irrigation and the most appropriate irrigation mechanism.
  • Understand the ideal irrigation protocol.
  • Detail when intracanal medicament is needed.
  • Outline the pros and cons of single versus multiple visit endodontics.
  • Explain the most appropriate and effective disinfection processes to use.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course you will:

  • Know the different types of irrigation and the effectiveness, pros and cons of each type of irrigation.
  • Understand how to choose the most appropriate irrigant with the correct/most effective concentration, at the most apporiate point in the endodontic process.
  • Understand how to safely use irrigants, and how to avoid and deal with accidents.
  • The barriers to irrigation.
  • The most apporiate irrigation mechanism - type and size of needles, ultrasonics.
  • The ideal irrigation protocol - the most apporpiate type and time for cleaning and shaping.
  • Intracanal medicament - when it is needed.
  • Pros and cons of single versus multiple visit endodontics.
  • Most apporpriate and effective disinfection processes to use.

GDC Development Outcomes

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