P106 Reducing Health Inequalities

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Why is there inequality?Where is there inequality?How can we change this?When can ...
More Info Purchase CPDSpeaker:Dr Douglas Robertson PhD FDS RCSEd (Rest Dent) BDS (Hons) FHEA
Prevention is better than a cure and a stitch in time saves nine as the old adage goes, but the complications of serious dental infection remain a significant concern throughout the world even in countries with well developed health services. This recorded webinar considers the impact of the most serious complications of dental disease that of severe odontogenic infection on the health service and the individuals concerned. We refresh our memories about the anatomy and microbiology of dental infection and examine trends in the United Kingdom. Dr Douglas Robertson discusses the reasons behind the clinical picture and proposes possible solutions.
This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology and management of sepsis in dentistry.
During this course learners will be able to:
After completing this course the learner will gain an understanding of:
of verifiable CPD
Why is there inequality?Where is there inequality?How can we change this?When can ...
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