P057 Dentolegal Essentials: Keeping Safe in the 'N...

of verifiable CPD
The content of this course was correct on the date of the live broadcast 18.8.2020. Dentistry in ...
Dentolegal Consultant
As a Dentolegal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience in primary dental care I’m here to help. Many people in dentistry know me from my work as a Dentolegal Adviser with Dental Protection for 17 years.
My involvement as a practitioner in the dentolegal field began in 2000 when I joined Dental Protection as a local adviser. I then worked as a Dentolegal adviser, Senior Dentolegal Adviser, and Head of Dental Protection Services for Ireland. In the course of my work I lecture widely and publish numerous articles and contribute to e-learning initiatives.
Over the years I have achieved a Master’s Degree in Medical Law, a Fellowship from the Faculty of General Dental Practice, a Fellowship from the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, and I am an NLP Master. In assisting dental colleagues I am able to analyse the situation, provide clear thinking, and advise on a strategic way forward.
Dentists are under more pressure than ever, and I understand how stressful this can be. I provide perspective along with practical, workable advice, so that a good outcome can be achieved.
Risk management helps to keep dentists safe and my aim is to communicate complex issues in an understandable way. My presentations workshops and webinars for dental professionals and dental teams are delivered with enthusiasm, knowledge and expertise, so that the subject is made understandable and relevant to everyday practice.
I assist professionals with individual issues for example, complaints, GDC, and remediation with a focus on demonstrating insight and reflection.
As well as being a professional speaker on dentolegal issues I share my expertise with a number of working groups including the Profession-wide Complaints Handling Initiative and I am a member of the National Advisory Board for Human Factors in Dentistry.
I am passionate about what I do and I am well known for providing practical solutions to dentolegal issues.