P128 ABCDE! The Systematic Approach to Medical Eme...

of verifiable CPD
An ‘ABCDE’ approach to managing deteriorating patients has proved an effective method of recognising deteriora...
Advanced Life Support & European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Director, APLS, GIC Instructor
Kate is a senior NHS Resuscitation Officer at University Hospital Southampton. Previously an Emergency Department Sister, she now has 28 years in Critical Care attending in hospital medical emergencies as part of the in-hospital ‘Crash team’ which sees 50-60 emergencies and 10-15 cardiac arrests a month. Kate has an interest in baby & child resuscitation out of hospital and runs resuscitation updates & drills for Dental & Medical practices. She enjoys teaching and has taught around the UK and abroad. She is a registered Instructor and Course Director in Advanced Life Support with the Resuscitation Council and a registered Advanced Paediatric Life Support Instructor.