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CPD Approx. 1:00 Hours

P187 What Is Dental Monitoring? How It Will Revolutionise the Patient Journey

Speaker:Dr Anshu Sood BDS, MClinDent, MFDS RCS Eng, MOrth RCS Edin

  • About This Course

With the ongoing integration of digital technologies into everyday practice, learn how you and your patients can benefit from remote monitoring of treatment progress while bringing efficiencies to your clinical practice.


This course aims to help team members learn about the integration of digital technologies into everyday practice and the benefits of remote monitoring of treatment progress.


During this course learners will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of remote monitoring and how it works.
  • Explain how to implement remote monitoring.
  • Outline the benefits of virtual monitoring for different stages of the patient journey - both active treatment (fixed appliance, clear aligners) and retention.
  • Explain how to use these systems to scale your practice and increase clinical capacity.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the learner will gain an understanding of:

  •  Dental monitoring; how it works and the benefits it can bring.

GDC Development Outcomes

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