P348 The Ripples of Discrimination in Dentistry an...

of verifiable CPD
The effects of discrimination on an individual and on society is rippling. But resistance towards challenging the biases w...
Clinical Reader and Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health.
Dr Vanessa Muirhead, BSc (hons), BDS, MSc (Distinction), PhD, FHEA, FDS(DPH) RCS
Vanessa Muirhead is a Clinical Reader/Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health. She gained a first class BSc honours degree in Experimental Pathology and a Bachelor degree in Dental Surgery (BDS) at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL.
After working as a community dentist for Portsmouth and Wandsworth Primary Care Trusts, she returned to QMUL to complete a MSc degree with Distinction in Dental Public Health (DPH). Vanessa then moved to Canada to pursue a PhD at the University of Toronto and complete fellowship-supported postdoctoral research at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.She returned to QMUL to complete her specialty training as a NIHR Clinical Lecturer/ Specialty Registrar in Dental Public Health, where she successfully completed the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) in Dental Public Health in 2016.
Vanessa has obtained her Fellowship in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and is on the DPH General Dental Council (GDC) specialist list. She is currently the Programme Director for the new online MSc / PGDip / PGCert in Dental Public Health, Policy and Leadership course at QMUL. She also serves as the Academic Lead for dental NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows and Clinical Lecturers in the Institute of Dentistry.