 Colin Brown Portrait

Colin Brown

Public Health England | HPA · National Infection Service
BSc (Med Sci) MBChB MSc (Epi) DTM&H DipHIVMed MRCP FRCPath

Infectious Disease & Medical Microbiology clinician based in London. Professional interests are tuberculosis, HIV, emerging and re-emerging infections (Ebola, Candida auris, and MERS), and global health development, education and volunteering. Role at Public Health England (PHE) involves providing clinical infectious diseases and microbiological input into a portfolio of respiratory, vaccine preventable, and emerging infections, and working to develop global health strategy. Honorary consultant in Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology at the Royal Free Hospital.

Infectious Diseases Advisor for King’s Sierra Leone Partnership (KSLP), and was heavily involved in the clinical and public health response to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014-16.

Colin helped lead Alma Mata, a junior professional network supporting postgraduate training in global health, and is an advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health. For six years he was a Trustee for the Tropical Health & Education Trust. He held public health leadership roles with the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations and Medsin-UK. He sat for several years on the BMA’s Student Education Committee and the Junior Association for the Study of Medical Education’s National Executive.

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