P049 Why Colour is the Elephant in the Room

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with FGDP and CGDent. This recorded discussion will look at real life examples and highlight ways...
Principal Dentist at the Honour Health Group
Onkar Dhanoya graduated as a dental surgeon from Newcastle University in 1985 and has been principal dental surgeon at Honour Health (formerly the Osborne Dental Group) since 1986.
Dr Dhanoya holds Fellowships of both the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) and the International College of Dentists.
He is past President of BDA Northern Counties Branch and Chair of the North Tyne LDC.
Dr Onkar Dhanoya has been a clinical teacher at Newcastle Dental Hospital since 1995 and holds postgraduate qualifications in implant dentistry, conscious sedation, dental acupuncture, facial aesthetics, clinical education, dental practice management and dental practice appraisal.