P156 Safeguarding for the Whole Dental Team - Leve...

of verifiable CPD
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm,...
Consultant in Dental Public Health, NHS England and NHS Improvement
Jasmine Murphy BDS(Hons), MSt(Camb), MRes(Public Health), MFGDP(UK), MFDS RCS(Eng), MFDS RCS(Edin), FDS(DPH)RCS(Eng), FFPH qualified as a dentist from Birmingham Dental Hospital in 1995. She is currently a Consultant in Dental Public Health at NHS England and NHS Improvement in the Midlands Region and has previously worked in the field of Public Health in a variety of organisations including Primary Care Trusts, Health Protection Agency, Strategic Health Authority, Public Health England and local government. She has also held a variety of dental posts in general practice and hospital settings and undertook her speciality training in dental public health in the East of England.
Her role has included leadership on dental public health, children and young people and health inequalities. Through her focus on population public health, she continues to seek to raise the profile and awareness of how strategic decisions can impact upon health inequalities. She has also participated on several review panels with the East Midlands Clinical Senate. Jasmine is also a core member on the NICE Public Health Advisory Committee and has been appointed as an Expert Adviser for the NICE Centre for Guidelines. Working with the Postgraduate Dental Dean, she has also led on the Public Health training programme for Foundation Dentists in the East Midlands. She also holds an academic honorary post in dental public health with University College London and contributes to both public health and dental public health training as an Educational Supervisor.
Inspired by the challenges she witnessed as a core-member of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Children’s Safeguarding Board and also as the Chair of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Child Death Overview Panel, she provided the strategic leadership in the development of the ‘Safeguarding in general dental practice: a toolkit for dental teams’ document which was published by Public Health England in 2019.
March 2022