Dr Heidi Rabie Portrait

Dr Heidi Rabie

Chief Dentist of AHS Public Health Dental Clinics

Dr. Rabie is the Chief Dentist of the Public Health Dental Clinics located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and operated under the umbrella of Alberta Health Services – the provincial health authority.

Her dental degree was earned at the School of Dentistry, University of Montreal in1998. In 2008, she joined Alberta Health Services, initially as a dentist before assuming additional responsibilities as Chief and Manager of the Public Health Dental Clinics (PHDC) in 2010.  Within the largely private practice dental Canadian context, PHDC’s target population is low income working poor with no access to dental benefits, refugees and populations experiencing mental health and addiction issues. The PHDC also targets patients presenting at Emergency Rooms and Urgent Cares with dental infections and pain. 

In her spare time she is passionate about volunteering as a director with the Alberta Dental Foundation, encouraging philanthropic endeavors facilitating access to dental care in low income populations.

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