P013 Mind the Gap - Options for Replacing Missing ...

of verifiable CPD
A recording of a live webinar looking at all the options for replacing missing teeth....
More Info Purchase CPDSpeakers: Robert Dyas BDS DCH MMedSci FDSRCS, Fellow of ITIDr Sanjeev Bhanderi BDS MSc MFGDP(UK)Dr George Jacob BDS MDS
This is a series of 10 recorded webinars, covering the following topics, which are also available to purchase individually:
Dr Sanjeev Bhanderi
Specialist Endodontist
President British Endodontic Society
Dr George Jacob
Global Trainer All for Roots Academy
Robert Dyas
Oral Surgeon
Clinical director of ProDentalCPD
This programme aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding relating to sound evidence based practical solutions to common problems encountered in day to day practice of endodontics.
To understand current, independent evidence based advice and increase knowledge about how to improve endodontic treatment.
At the end of this programme you will understand current, independent evidence based advice and increase your knowledge about how to improve your endodontic treatment.
of verifiable CPD
A recording of a live webinar looking at all the options for replacing missing teeth....
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This recorded webinar will revise the principles of pulp diagnosis and health. In the absence of pulp health due to ...
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