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CPD Approx. 1:30 Hours

P151 Introduction to Orthodontics - Assessment, Diagnosis and Case Selection

Speakers:Dr Kuldip S Gakhal BDS Dip Ortho FCGDentProf. Ross Hobson BDS, MDS, PhD, FDS, MDOrth (RCPS), FDS (RCS Ed), FDS (RCS Eng), SFHEA

  • About This Course

This three-part webinar series in collaboration with the College of General Dentistry and led by specialist orthodontist Prof Ross Hobson, aims to explore the possibilities and limitations of orthodontic treatment with Fixed Braces, alongside giving an insight into the CGDent Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics, delivered by the College’s Trusted Provider, IAS Academy.

This webinar series takes a look at some of the most crucial aspects in orthodontic treatment, focusing predominantly on; assessment, diagnosis and planning, fixed appliance therapy and orthodontic retention. These webinars are educationally focused and the goal is to break down an incredibly wide subject into understandable and manageable sessions.

This first recorded webinar discusses why and how to undertake an orthodontic assessment of patients prior to orthodontic treatment.


This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of why an orthodontic assessment is required and the problems that can arise if this is not undertaken prior to orthodontic treatment.


 During this course learners will be able to:

  • Understand why an orthodontic assessment is required.
  • Understand the problems that can arise if assessment is not undertaken.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course the learner will gain an understanding of:

  • Why an orthodontic assessment is required and the problems that can arise if this is not undertaken prior to orthodontic treatment.

GDC Development Outcomes

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