P156 Safeguarding for the Whole Dental Team - Leve...

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Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm,...
More Info Purchase CPDSpeakers: Preetee Hylton RDNDr Alison Gregory Dr Sandi Dheensa BSc, MSc, PhD
In collaboration with BADN and CGDent, this recorded webinar explores how dental professionals play an essential role in the safeguarding of patients and colleagues; safeguarding training is mandatory for all members of dental staff. We have a duty to learn how to recognise signs of abuse and act accordingly to preserve our patients’ and colleagues’ safety. This presentation focusses on the importance of employers creating a safe space for their employees to ask for help if they are being subjected to domestic abuse. The Employer’s Initiative for Domestic Abuse is discussed. This is an evolving community working towards supporting domestic abuse victims and providing access to services to assist perpetrators stop. The aim is to work towards making a systematic change in the way domestic abuse is handled in dentistry.
Warning: This video contains themes that some people may find distressing.
This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the signs of abuse and act accordingly to preserve patients' and colleagues' safety. It explores how dental dental professionals play an essential role in the safeguarding of patients and colleagues.
On completion of this recorded webinar you will recognise signs of abuse and act accordingly to preserve patients' and colleagues' safety.
of verifiable CPD
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm,...
More Info Purchase CPD